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Want To Acquire and Scale Your Rental Property Portfolio?
"We'll Show You How We Went From 0 To 75 Units In Just 1 Year! 
WITHOUT The Banks or Large Sums of Capital."

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After ACQUIRING 75 Rental Units In Just 1 Year,
Here's What We've Learned:
The Single Biggest Strategy To Acquiring MORE Cashflowing Rental
...Without Needing A Large Amount Of Money Or Credit.
From: The Kwak Brothers
Saint Charles, IL
Do you want to acquire rental properties to grow your passive income?

Do you want to be financially free so that you can retire, spend more time with your family, travel more, or create an impact in your community?

Would you like to know how the 22 and 24 year old brothers went from 0 to 75 rental units in just 1 year?
If WE Can Do It... So Can You!
We remember being scared, lost, afraid, and frustrated in the beginning of our journey. All we wanted to do was create passive income and live a financially free life so we can help transform others and dedicate our lives to a higher cause... 

But there was a PROBLEM...

We didn't have any money or the credit to get started in this business.

Not only that, no one wanted to lend us money or even partner with us. But with the right help and guidance from our mentors, we were able to go from 0 to 75 rental units in just one year. And to spread our knowledge, our insights, and our message to those that want to achieve financial freedom, we decided to write a book!
  • 0 To 75 Units In 1 Year will help you how to find the off-market deals and opportunities in your market so that you don't have to rely on realtors, brokers, or even wholesalers to find the deals! 
  • 0 To 75 Units In 1 Year will show you how we negotiate for owner financing arrangements with the seller without having to beg for it.
  • 0 To 75 Units In 1 Year will show you how we raised capital from our private partners and the types of conversations we have to get to the "YES"!
If you're willing to dive deep with us to find out how you can go from 0 to 75 rental units like we did, ORDER a copy of our book and join in our journey!
Here Are The Deals That 
We've Completed In A Single Year...
4 Single Family Residential Portfolio Acquisition
"Owner Financing With Only 10% Down"
In March of 2017, The Kwak Brothers closed and acquired 4 single family residential houses using owner financing with only 10% down. Not only that, the Kwak Brothers used OPM for the down payment and created cash flow without using their own money or credit.

In the new "0 to 75 Units 1 Year" book, the Kwak Brothers will dive deeper into how to negotiate for owner financing and raise capital!

Today, this portfolio cash-flows $600/mo. even on a 15 year amortization financing! 
Unit Count So Far: 4
"Another Owner Financing with 10% Down"
In October of 2017, The Kwak Brothers closed and acquired a 4 Unit Apartment using owner financing with only 10% down. Not only that, the Kwak Brothers used OPM for the down payment and created cash flow without using their own money or credit.

Today, this property is generating $200-300 MORE per month after the Kwak Brothers took over the management.

The property comes with laundry machines so it generates a secondary passive income. 

Not to mention, it has 2 storage spaces being rented out as well for additional revenue.

The Kwak Brothers are paying down the principal balance of this property to shelter itself for a potential recession in the future!
Unit Count So Far: 8
4 Unit Apartment Complex
8 Unit Apartment
In September of 2017, The Kwak Brothers closed and acquired a 8 Unit Apartment using owner financing with ZERO MONEY DOWN. This property creates $1800 a month in cash flow.

Today, this property is fully occupied with tenants paying rent every single month.

Unit Count So Far: 16
In October of 2017, The Kwak Brothers  and its partners closed and acquired a 36 Unit Apartment Complex. This deal did require bank financing. However, the Kwak Brothers didn't have to use any of their own money or credit. They brought in private money & credit partners to acquire the deal.

Today, this property is fully occupied with tenants paying rent every single month.

The property is fully managed by a professional team and it generates passive income for the Kwak Brothers.
Unit Count So Far: 52
36 Unit Apartment Complex
Single Family Rental Acquired
"Only $2500 Down At Closing"
In September of 2017, The Kwak Brothers acquired a single family residential for $90,000 purchase and only $5,000 down. However, due to the Kwak Brothers' negotiating for closing credits, they only had to come up with $2500 for the closing. The Kwak Brothers DID use their own money for the closing as the money required to do the deal was minuscule.

They were also able to negotiate for owner financing so the banks weren't needed to complete the deal.

Today, this property cash-flows $100 a month.
Unit Count So Far: 53
"Only 12% Down Owner Financing"
In November of 2017, The Kwak Brothers and its partners acquired a 24 unit apartment complex using owner financing. The Kwak Brothers used OPM  for the down payment which meant that the Kwak Brothers did not have to use their own money or credit to do this deal!

Unit Count So Far: 77
24 Unit Apartment Complex
That Doesn't Include Any Fix & Flips Nor Any New Deals We Acquired After 2018! The Question Is...

Inside This Book...

Here Are A Few Of The Tactics 
You'll Discover!

Inside the new 0 To 75 Units, we break down a NEW strategy called the FORCE Strategy® to help you acquire more rental properties without having to use your own money or credit.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover inside your FREE copy of this book: (Over 290 Pages)

Part 1: Who We Are

  • Chapter 1: How To Best Read This Book
  • ​Chapter 2: How And Why I Started In Real Estate And What Helped In The Beginning Of My Journey
  • Chapter 3: How I Met My First Investor And The Mindset That Was Crucial To Raise Capital.
  • Chapter 4: How We Acquired A 24 Unit Apartment Complex And Tips On Negotiations In High Stakes Situations.
  • Chapter 5: Lessons And 4 Actions That I Learned During My Offseason.
  • Chapter 6: My Experience With Short-Term Rentals.

Part 2: The FORCE Strategy®

  • Chapter 7: What The FORCE Strategy® Is And Why It's Sustainable.
  • ​Chapter 8: 3 Different Ways To Find Deals And Keep Them Coming.
  • Chapter 9: The Pros and Cons Of Owner Financing And A Step By Step Guide To How I Negotiate.
  • Chapter 10: How I Find And Attract Passive Investors.
  • Chapter 11: How To Make More Money While Spending Less Time On Property Management.
  • Chapter 12: How To Utilize The "GOALS" Method To Grow Your Real Estate Portfolio. (SPECIAL Chapter By Levi McPherson)

Part 3: FREE Resources & Next Step

  • Chapter 13: The Top 5 Rules For Success And Free Resources.
  • Chapter 14: Tips and Practical Steps For How To Use The Information In This Book. 

Get Your Copy Today!

  • Get Your Copy ASAP!
  • Gain Tips and Tricks on How to Successful Build YOUR Real estate portfolio From Experienced Professionals 

But WAIT! That's Not All...

Bonus #1: Owner Financing Secrets Course

The Owner Financing Secrets Course is designed to help you learn the secret sauce to acquiring properties without relying on hard money lenders or banks. Daniel will teach you how to find owner financing opportunities, how to negotiate for them, and ultimately close the deal!  Your Book comes with The Owner Financing Secrets Course as a COMPLIMENTARY BONUS!

Bonus #2: Millionaire Productivity Course 

The Millionaire Productivity Course is designed to help you maximize your productivity like a millionaire. We all have the same 24 hours a day, but Sam will teach you how the top 1% get the most out of it! Your FREE Book comes with The Millionaire Productivity Course as a COMPLIMENTARY BONUS!

Bonus #3: Kwak Brothers Real Estate Course

Inside of the Kwak Brothers Course, you'll learn the basic knowledge and training on Real Estate Investing. If you are completely brand new, this will help you build the momentum! Inside, you'll learn about raising capital, owner financing, mindset, and more! You get this Course as a COMPLIMENTARY BONUS with the purchase of the 0 To 75 Units In Just 1 Year book!
Reviews Of The Book
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Image of the book shown on this website is for mock-up purposes only. The actual book is a soft cover book.